Home / News / Capcom Brings Social Game To Android, Started With The Smurfs’ Village

Capcom Brings Social Game To Android, Started With The Smurfs’ Village

Capcom Brings Social Game To Android, Started With The Smurfs’ Village

Seeing the success of the game Smurfs Village on the iOS platform, with the number of downloads reach 17 million and became the top-grossing applications in 69 countries, Capcom hopes to get the same success for social games on the Android platform. The developers Capcom games in Japan, said ‘where the market for games is larger and there is much more growth potential‘.

To get started, Beeline Interactive, as a subsidiary of Capcom, starting with the release of his plans Smurfs Village, Android as the first social game. You can download the game Smurfs Village in the Android Market.
