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Top Features From Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Top Features From Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Google and Samsung a few hours ago, has just announced its new smartphone Samsung Galaxy Nexus, along with it also released the latest version of Android which will merge the operating system between the tablet and smartphone.
In short, Galaxy Nexus is the first phone with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and has a 4.65 widescreen HD resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. Ice Cream Sandwich are also using a new font type named Roboto. What are the new features of the Ice Cream Sandwich?
1. Lock screen
Now more information available on the front page of ICS lock screen like hour, day, date, battery remaining, and there are animated when unlocking the screen. As already in previous rumors, the ICS can now unlock the screen by using the facial recognition feature.
2. Homescreen and Launcher
Widget on the homescreen now, like in Honeycomb, can be set in size and can scroll in accordance with the designation of each widget. ICS is also now ready to be a mobile OS without buttons alias with a full touchscreen Android utilizing three basic keys to virtually as a substitute for physical buttons. Just like in IOS, create a folder between an icon by default can be done to impose one icon to another.
Task manager from the ICS has a similar look of Honeycomb and to remove an application from the list multitasking simply by sliding out the application. Google also made ​​an easy way to take a screen capture by pressing the volume down and power buttons simultaneously and its results will be displayed with screenshots polaroid style.
3. Browser
ICS facilitates the use of the default browser to access the tab and open the pages of websites such as its desktop version can also be set from the beginning it easy for users who do not like the look of mobile. If you are a fan of all Google products and use Chrome as a browser favorite on the computer, then the ICS allows to synchronize bookmarks between browsers default to Google Chrome on the computer.
Standard features like incognito mode browser (private browsing) is now also available for use.
4. Data Usage
This feature is essential for Android users who use Internet package with quota because this feature will monitor any application that accesses the data and how much data is used. Not only that, you can also manually set the alarm for when an application uses too much data. Users can also turn off the use of data an application if the quota limit to be set for a particular application.
5. Camera and photos
Google claims that there would be no pause for photo shoot with the camera. So the user who likes to take lots of photos at once or do not like to pause every time I take a photo would be helped with this feature. Gallery on the ICS is also changing with the availability of simple photo editing features. Panorama mode is now also available built-in camera applications.
In addition there are also some other changes such as changes in the ICS that was once the name from the contacts, is now a people. Sounds like Windows Phone 7? yes, because the look of from the people also resembles the features people on the tile in Windows Phone 7 with the unification of the conversations list either via SMS, Facebook, Twitter, Google Talk, and other applications that have its plug-in API. People will also showcase the latest social status updates from the list of people that are inside.
Google’s improve ability to voice command on the keyboard built ICS, where now the results of typing by voice will instantly be displayed on the screen together with the incoming voice commands. So there will be no lag time waiting for each feature type messages via speech-to-text on the ICS.
Another one is the Android Beam. This feature is primarily to take advantage of NFC to share content. Just like on Symbian Belle, users can simply bring two handsets ICS to share content such as contact lists, multimedia files, documents and other files that can be shared.
